„Das Heuvolk“ war eine 6-stündige Performance Installation auf dem
Benjamin Franklin Gelände in Mannheim unter der Regie von Signa Köstler.
In 20 Vorstellungen besuchten jeweils 60 Zuschauende die Gemeinschaft der „Himmelfahrer“
»Since the departure of the last army members in 2012, the buildings at
Franklin have been empty. Or so it was believed. Because during
construction work for a new city district, workers stumbled upon a small
group of faith that appeared to have inhabited one of the houses for
Rolle: Tinek Wolcott
Nationaltheater Mannheim
Schillertage 2017
16.6.17 – 16.7.17
Fotos: © Erich Goldmann: goldrush.at